
Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Indian Maratha Warrior King Kids Fancy Dress Costume for Boys & Men | with Beard & Talwar

Fast Delivery only in Metro & Major Cities

No Delivery & Dispatch on Sundays, Festivals & Holidays

Size Chart
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Rs. 999
Rs. 999
Order before 5pm, available in major cities.

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Expected Delivery between 1-5 Days

Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj was the founder of the Maratha Empire in western India. He is considered to be one of the greatest warriors of his time and even today, stories of his exploits are narrated as a part of the folklore. With his valor and great administrative skills, Shivaji carved out an enclave from the declining Adilshahi sultanate of Bijapur. It eventually became the genesis of the Maratha Empire. After establishing his rule, Shivaji implemented a competent and progressive administration with the help of a disciplined military and well-established administrative set-up. Shivaji is well-known for his innovative military tactics that centered around non-conventional methods leveraging strategic factors like geography, speed, and surprise to defeat his more powerful enemies.

Product Specifications:

Costume Contents:
- Shivaji Maharaj Pagri

- Golden Color Angrakha with Zari work design (color might vary)

- White Pyjama

- Long white Pearls Necklace

- Short white Pearls Necklace

- Long Golden Necklace (can be worn with two folds as shown in the Picture)

- Kundal (Red Pearls Earrings)

- Red Stole (color of stole might vary)

- Beard

- Sword

About the Character/Costume:

Disclaimer: Product color might slightly vary due to photographic lighting sources or your monitor settings.

Size: Please check size chart for measurements of each size and select as per growth and build of your child.

Keywords:  Chattrapati Shivaji Maharaj kids costume, Indian Maratha Warrior King, Courageous Indian King costume, Historic Personalities.

BookMyCostume is committed to deliver your order with good quality packaging within given time frame on a best-effort basis. We ship throughout the week, except Sunday & Public holidays and mostly are unable to deliver on Sundays. We ensure that your order reaches you in good condition in the shortest span of time due to our extensive delivery partnerships.
Orders are normally dispatched the same day. Most orders are delivered within 2 to 5 working days in India and within 10 working days outside India to major cities.
For rental costumes orders with immediate renting requirement, choose rental start date as per delivery timeline shown in the Check Pincode feature on Product Page as we are unable to deliver before that date. Please choose the rental start date one day prior to the function date and the return pickup is scheduled one day after the function date. Delivery and Pickup of all orders will be duly done to the address as mentioned by you at the time of placing the order and security deposit refund is initiated within 2 weeks.
If you're in a hurry and live in a major city, we recommend that you  opt for our One-day delivery service on Product Page and on Checkout. If you order before 5pm, we will deliver your costume in 1-2 days (unless its a bulk order or out of stock). You can contact us for any query at our customer care.
